How to deploy your website?

Deployment is a word, often used by the military, for sending troops into duty. ... Deployment refers to assigning people to serve in various locations, especially soldiers and other military personnel. A deployment may include soldiers, as well as equipment and generals.

What does it mean to deploy a website? Deploying a website means that you are deploying changes you have made to your website, typically code, from source control to an environment (typically development, staging, or live).

The way of delivering your product code to your customer is commonly called “deployment”.
It is an important matter because it will impact how fast your product will respond
to changes and the quality of each change.

Deployment Plateforms💻
  1. Firebase
  2. Heroku
  3. Surge
  4. Github Pages
These are some important platforms where you can deploy your website
for free you can use it easily, but there is a limit in Heroku and Firebase
but surge in limitless.


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